Welcome to Games:Tech:Blog

Welcome to my very first blog, a blog about games, technology for games, and technology in general – hence the name Games:Tech:Blog. My name is Ingo, in real life I have one of the coolest jobs in IT industry: I’m a games developer. However, these pages won’t be about this job, but about the things I’m working on in my spare time:

  • Reviews of board and computer games
    Strategy games are the type of games I enjoy most, and I very much like to play older titles, repeatedly. Therefore, I hope that there will not only be one-time reviews but also walk-throughs of matches and strategy guides.
  • Self-made computer games
    There’s a very long queue of good ideas for games and tools for supporting board games in my mind, and now and then I even get to sit down and implement something. I’m happy to share the results with you and of course I hope they will be played or used. Your feedback would be very welcome.
  • Experience with programming, frameworks, and tools
    As a long-time developer you often stumble over problems that lead to interesting solutions or debates. The internet may have solutions for many things, but most of the time they are difficult to find. If writing an article about those issues saves a long search for one or the other, my time was well invested.

Having little experience regarding the “blogosphere” I tend to be a little careful and therefore restrictive with comments – registering before committing  comments is therefore necessary at the moment. Nevertheless I am grateful for any criticism or suggestions on my articles and I am happy to publish them. But I’d be as happy about private feedback via email.

The primary language of this blog is German, just because I get it written down much faster. Nevertheless I will try to translate the more interesting articles into English, but I ask for your understanding if this is not always possible.

Thanks for looking in. Hope to see you again soon!

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