In my previous post, you saw a so-called Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD) of Network Traders. It shows the number of tasks (features) that have been implemented over time. There is a lot of interesting stuff you can read out of it. So what is there to be found in my example, and why do I have one in the first place?
Continue reading DevBlog: My Flow DiagramCategory: DevBlog
DevBlog: Games take Time
Are you a hardcore gamer with thousands of hours of playtime on your Steam account for your favourite game? Well, no matter how much you played it, I am quite certain it took more time to make it. So, how much time does it actually take to make a game of your own? What if you even want to publish it? At least for my hobby projects such as Network Traders I can give you some insights.
Continue reading DevBlog: Games take TimeDevBlog: (Re)Start
Since the beginning of the year, I have focused my attention on a new game project which I call “Network Traders”. It is considerably more extensive than Coopong and thus takes up much more of my time. So much that you haven’t seen any new articles on this blog for almost a year. However, I am about to change this by starting a DevBlog for this new endeavour.
Continue reading DevBlog: (Re)Start