We are getting closer to the first public test release of Network Traders. High time to think about the design of our Play Store presence. Fortunately, Andrea has already been very busy on our feature graphic which we want to present today!
The feature graphic is the first thing a potential player sees in Google Play Store, unless you provided a feature video. So we put quite some effort into designing an image which conveys the major aspects of the game.
A catchy slogan – “Meet your Friends, Trade, Build your City” – covers the unique selling points of Network Traders. In order to exchange merchants with your fellow traders, you need to be physically in their vicinity. Hence meet your friends is meant quite literally. And this is what happens in the foreground of our feature graphic. Two players send their merchants from their device to the other one’s. The background gives you a hint on how your city will look like after some successful trading.
Additionally, the design of our feature graphic ties in nicely with our app icon. This dynamic young fellow, emerging from your smartphone to make a fortune out there in the wide world, has already made an appearance there.
I just read a tweet by John Walker from Buried Treasure, exhorting indie devs to spend time on their banner images. How about ours? Does this feature graphic resonate with you? I sincerely hope so, but if not, take some time and tell me why! I would appreciate it if you left a comment below, and let’s discuss your point of view for other indie devs to follow.