A week ago, on September 23rd, was the official early access release date for Network Traders. Time to recap. Specifically, there are two things worth telling. The release party for one, was great. On the other hand, Google managed to blow the release. This is how that happened.
Continue reading DevBlog: Alpha Release RecapTag: Android
DevBlog: Final Release Preparations
Tomorrow, Friday, September 23rd, the big event will be finally here! The early access (alpha) release of Network Traders on Google Play. Go-live will be at 20:00 CEST (18:00 UTC/GMT). Read the latest news on what I added in the last two weeks, what I did not get done, and what else happened.
Continue reading DevBlog: Final Release PreparationsNetwork Traders Release Date Announcement
I have been working on Network Traders for one year and 9 months – long enough, time to go live! The game will be released for open testing on Google Play Store on September 23rd 2022. Then, finally, it will be available to everyone on their Android device. This is really exciting, and two and a half very busy weeks are waiting for me!
Continue reading Network Traders Release Date AnnouncementDevBlog: Our App Icon is here!
We put quite some thought and effort into creating an app icon for Network Traders. Finally, we have a version which is ready to be deployed. What do you think of our “flying merchant”? Read more about the design process and leave a comment about your first impression!
Continue reading DevBlog: Our App Icon is here!Android Bluescreen
Recently I reached an important milestone for my game: I asked two friends to play it with me. As usual in this case I tried to fix as many of the remaining bugs I knew so that the app would run reasonably stable. And as it always happens when time is running out, I ran into a problem that totally puzzled me. All of a sudden my app showed a bluescreen (!) on two out of three Android devices – sometimes. Wasn’t that a Windows thing? Continue reading Android Bluescreen